The co-founders of SoilDAO tasked me with creating a one page website and new logo to get them started in their quest for their first round of funding. SoilDAO’s strategy utilizes the power of the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) governance model and Web3 Utility NFT art to obtain land assets and stewardship rights. My job was to present their plan and information in a visually and functionally pleasant way.

Something I got to do on this particular project was utilize AI more than I had before. In addition to getting some aid with copy from ChatGPT, 99% of the images in the design I created with Midjourney. I also created custom graphics (see below) for the project. Here see the whole page as developed with full functionality. 

Making the bottom of the food chain a top priority.

We are creating a decentralized Gain For Good model to obtain the rights to steward lands and fund regenerative agriculture operations that create affordable healthy food, and holder utility.

The Problem

Our Soil is going extinct, and so is our food.

Modern industrial agriculture practices deplete our soil of its carbon and elemental nutrients in order to mass produce food – all too often genetically modified and sprayed with poison.

Meanwhile, BigAg Multinationals and profit driven developers continue to buy up the world’s farmlands at an unprecedented rate. The result is increased centralized control and mismanagement of the world’s agricultural lands and food supply.


According to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)...

at current rates of degradation, fertile soil will go extinct within the next 60 years. In addition, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that by 2045, food production will drop by 40%, as the population crosses 9.3 billion.

Soil extinction is a real and immediate concern that...

unless addressed fully now, will lead to catastrophic global crises within one generation’s time… including food and water shortages, droughts and famines, adverse climate changes, mass migrations and unprecedented rates of species extinction.

While the level of international systemic change needed to address this pending catastrophe is daunting…

new ways of combining finance, creativity and entrepreneurship through Web3 blockchain capital raises offers the potential to rapidly crowd source significant funding and community involvement towards literally saving the earth’s soil.

At current rates, fertile soil will go extinct within the next 60 years.

Food production will drop by 40%, as the population crosses 9.3 billion.

The SoilDAO Strategy

Flipping the land ownership model to benefit soil regeneration.

SoilDAO’s strategy utilizes the power of the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) governance model and Web3 Utility NFT art to obtain land assets and stewardship rights. We leverage the revenue generated from high value urban and commercial properties to subsidize the 5 – 7+ year runway required for the regenerative management of rural food producing land, and soil revitalization.

Ultimately, SoilDAO is a vibrant community of engaged earth stewards actively collaborating towards cultivating a healthy planet for all.

Returning the Land to the Earth

One way to look at SoilDAO is to envision a traditional real estate investment trust (REIT) that has a purpose above and beyond simply enriching its investors. The objective of the SoilDAO is to also enrich the earth’s soil and make higher quality food affordable for everyone.

Business Incubation

SoilDAO also matches those holding the expertise and desire to be effective regenerative food stewards with land in need of stewardship. We provide these operations with financial support and organizational training to cultivate rich, vibrant living soil & all that grows with it.

SoilDAO Objectives

  • Providing high quality food for planet
  • Liberate, regenerate & steward land
  • Incubate regenerative, co-operative businesses
  • Curate global private association of land trusts
  • Organize mind expanding & soul fulfilling events

SoilDAO NFT Holder Utility

Beneficial interests and access to our shared land and regenerative land based projects worldwide… including:

A global network of urban & rural work/live/play lodging

Exclusive access to our land, food, and resources

Dividends of financial wealth generated from our projects

Shortlist invitations to exclusive SoilDAO events (festivals, workshops, celebrations)

A vote on where and how DAO resources are allocated

Discounts on affiliate products and services (Organic restaurants & cafes, Produce markets, Merchandise)

Regenerative business incubators

Future whitelist access to land backed token project launch

Regenerative practices SoilDAO supports

Incentivizing the production of high carbon, humus rich living soils

Reducing/eliminating pesticides and herbicides that damage soil microbiomes

Encouraging regenerative, soil enhancing no till farming

Composting and Biochar

Fostering biodiversity: Moving from mono-culture to poly-culture

Researching and applying biological pest control techniques

Stopping topsoil erosion

The SoilDAO Roadmap

2022 Q2

  • White Paper 1.0

  • Operation Budget

  • Twitter Engagement

  • Weekly AMAs

  • Acquire Key Advisory Board & Ambassadors*

  • Acquire NFT Artist*

  • Launch Discord

  • Reveal Private Membership Association Model

  • Reveal DAO Governance Technology Partner

  • Reveal Project Partnerships

2022 Q3

  • Reveal Keystone Land Projects
  • Reveal Commercial Projects
  • NFT Art Development
  • Reveal NFT trailer 1
  • Reveal NFT trailer 2
  • AMA tour
  • Announcement of Mint Date

2022 Q4

  • The Mint

  • Purchase Land

  • Purchase Commercial

  • Engage DAO Governance Technology

2023 Q1

  • Official Land Trust
  • Official Commercial Trust
  • First IRL Event on The Land
  • Vote for first Regenerative Land Stewards

Core Team

Click image to view details

Hristiyan Atanasov


Hristiyan, founder of Artisanov Construction Inc. and an internationally recognized leadership coach, blends meditation, spirituality, and advanced facilitation techniques to foster self-empowerment. His passion for Web3 technologies, especially their application in real-world projects like regenerative agriculture, led to the creation of Soil Dao.

Austin Hill Shaw


As a joyful individual, I seek to transform architecture through my company, 3 Lights Design, emphasizing co-creation and nature respect. As the author of "The Shoreline of Wonder: On Being Creative," I encourage creativity as a fundamental human trait and need. My healing work focuses on promoting a sense of home within self, relationships, and community, while strengthening connections to nature and the cosmos.

Bradley Logan


With 29 years as an Arizona State Bar member and various professional licenses, Bradley understands the challenges of government restrictions. He favors private agreements, like trust indentures and private associations, to counter public licensing limits. His vast experience in community land projects, including legal drafting, makes him an exceptional trustee for SoilDAO. He enjoys creek paddling, pet peacocks, and biking in Sedona.

Casey Jeppesen


Casey Jeppesen is the CTO of Ecovalence, specializing in building digital ecosystems for SEO & blockchain business. With over 25yrs experience in the Tech industry; he is a self-proclaimed TechGnostic, Futurist & Digital Syncretist. He is also a Certified Blockchain Architect & Cryptocurrency Expert.

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